On the one hand, this is extremely gorgeous and a wonderful example of enameling. On the other hand, the Virgin Mary looks like she’s going, “Oh shit, are you fucking kidding me?” in response to the news that she’s going to have the baby Jesus. Guess it’s not just the modern teenaged mothers with the elements of shock and awe on their side, eh?
I’m not convinced that Joan of Arc would’ve looked attentive as she listened to the heavenly voices. Certainly not like this, in a raptly ecstatic state. It’s vaguely pornographic. It’s also vaguely creepy, as she’s portrayed as far more innocent as she was, but that’s definitely the 1880s hypocritical morality coming out to play.
It’s a brown and blue semi-photo-realistic painting of bridges and the River Arno. It’s pretty standard stuff, but the use of direct light v. indirect light (which was more favored at the time) makes it a bit more unique in the way it’s presented. However… it’s still nothing overly groundbreaking. American art of this particular time period is pretty pedestrian – it’s just a few years before the Impressionists really get going.
This might have been one of the things that began my lifelong love affair with New York City. I remember seeing this painting as a tiny thing and marveling at how lovely it was, and then recreating the modern equivalent view on my first visit to Manhattan. (Yes, I am a nerd. No, I will not apologize for it.)