I like how Degas devolved over time. It’s like the evolution of a comfy armchair; the fibers break down, the lines become less distinct, everything flows together and becomes gentle and harmonious and simple.
Tag: 19th century
Can we talk about how in at least in the 1840s, at least most people sort of knew what lions looked like, as opposed to the 1600s and such when we have gross misrepresentations of Barbary lions and hippos and rhinos and things in Baroque art because they’re based on descriptions of things from classical literature and “I saw this fantastic creature on a trading expedition!” letters and things? Because this is an actual thing in art history and it needs to be discussed.
Another example of the ‘small but mighty’ club, this panel painting is a precursor to the impressionist dynastic linage of Monet, Manet, and Degas. You can see hints of what would become Monet’s outdoor inspiration in the skyline’s coloring and the execution of the sand, and the juxtaposition of colors speaks of Manet and a bit of van Gogh, if you had to point to those who took their inspiration from these earlier works.