*pets this fine example of miniature painting* So, okay, miniature painting in regards to the Indian usage of the term is a misnomer because it just refers to portraiture in general, and more specifically, a certain type of portraiture. This is a good example where the sitter is exalted for their wealth and elegance and beauty, and framed by exquisite and ornate art that reflects the same.
Tag: Asian art
I’m pretty sure that the hallmarks of prehistoric art are pretty much 1) draw/paint/sculpt an animal, 2) draw/paint/sculpt a human being, 3) draw/paint/sculpt something to represent the god(s) of your choice (which can tie back to either #1 or #2). Landscapes didn’t come around till much later, but that’s another kettle of fish.
(I wish I could’ve gotten a better photo of this jar because it’s absolutely stunning. However, it’s displayed in such a way that it just isn’t possible without glare at almost every angle – except this one.)
So, Japanese blue porcelain – true examples of it aren’t very common because they tended to break up the blue with other colors or metallic glazes, so when you find a good example, it’s usually not this large or detailed. It’s usually smaller and plate, saucer, or cup.
It’s difficult to reconcile the age of some of these objects in the mind. They can’t possibly be so old, and yet, they are. And with such intricacy come so many experiments over many years, decades, generations, even – so how even did they begin to perfect the art of casting such perfect designed work?