
It’s difficult to see in the photos, but the glaze really reflects the light and comes off as almost metallic in many ways. I love these particular dishes because they are simple in their overall design but very complex in their execution. They are not dishes for the faint of heart, and, if you know me at all, you know that I am anything but a simpering twit. These are the dishes of a household of distinction – with a warrior’s twist.


I’m glad that they specify that this is a symbolic dance and not actually what the warriors actually go into battle wearing because that would be a very awkwardly fought battle. Though, to be fair, we’re the direct descendants of wearers of mail and plate armor, so what am I even bitching about?


So, here’s the thing: how much did any of y’all know about Bali before I started pointing at the art and going, “look at this stuff?” Not much, I’d wager.

The masks themselves are actually beautiful objects, and when kitted out with their flowers and feathers would truly have been a spectacle to behold as full sized puppets. I can only imagine what they would have looked like in their parades.


There is a dreamy, ethereal quality to this canvas that reminds me of sinking into the ocean and holding my breath for the longest time, looking through the sunbeams at fish. Living in Hawai’i for a time probably contributed to this.


There are some pieces of art that are so profound that they shape your entire worldview of what constitutes exquisite beauty. For me, this has always been one of those pieces of sculpture. I have seen this statue since I was a child, and it still renders me speechless every time I see it. If you see absolutely nothing else in the SLAM collection, I would implore you to see this: it is enough to justify the visit.


When one of your best friends requests that you take pictures of sharp objects that you could stab people with, you take pictures of stabbity things. And this is very stabby. And green. Because bronze and patina.


Let’s talk Balinese art for a minute. Or, rather, let’s not. Let’s just look at it. Let’s stare at the balance of composition for a long hard moment and how the colors enhance the way we’re meant to feel about the prince and the attacking serpent and let’s just marvel at the sheer beauty of the piece, shall we?

Balinese art is its own special breed of pretty. You can’t teach it and if you don’t like it, you can’t teach appreciation for it. There is a very small gallery of paintings and masks and the like tucked amongst the rest of the Asian art that’s just Balinese and it’s breathtaking in its glory.


For being a really old piece of pottery, this jar has a very modern design. The colors are bold and sexy, the splashes abstract and come hither in a way that both intrigues and repels, and the whole thing seems to be deliberately unfinished. I love it for all of its inconsistencies.