
I just don’t even know where to begin with this one: it’s the epitome of high Bhuddist art without even trying, and yet, there are better, finer examples elsewhere. But… look at it. It’s perfect.


This thing is super creepy up close and it feels like it’s watching you even though you know it’s just an illusion and it’s only a bronze statue and it isn’t alive.


Can we talk about how in at least in the 1840s, at least most people sort of knew what lions looked like, as opposed to the 1600s and such when we have gross misrepresentations of Barbary lions and hippos and rhinos and things in Baroque art because they’re based on descriptions of things from classical literature and “I saw this fantastic creature on a trading expedition!” letters and things? Because this is an actual thing in art history and it needs to be discussed.


This actually screams post-modern art deco when you look at it properly. The lines are all the fluid, geometric forms of art deco, but taken to a streamlined form ala Bauhaus.


This is not, in any way shape or form, meant to be anything other than sexy and a bit of flash. It is style and sass. It is ‘I’m better than you’ distilled to a fine point and hammered home.


This casting is actually fascinating in person and doesn’t photograph well at all. It makes me sad because it’s so beautiful up close. The detailing and patina is exquisite!


Shining example of Art Nouveau here! In many ways, the whole movement was about the feminine ideal: flowing, feminine lines and ethereal idealizations. This bronze sculpture encapsulates both ideas in a very classical but (for the times) modernized way.


It’s difficult to reconcile the age of some of these objects in the mind. They can’t possibly be so old, and yet, they are. And with such intricacy come so many experiments over many years, decades, generations, even – so how even did they begin to perfect the art of casting such perfect designed work?


This statuette is tiny. Very, very wee. It is yet another case of ‘small but mighty’. For while it is tiny, it is absolutely gorgeous, delicate, and important.