This painting is dark, powerful, horrific, and beautiful all at once, and in that disharmony there is a balance.
Tag: expressionism
25 December
There is something about this that is just impermanent and fleeting, dark and destructive, visceral and cruel, even though it is none of those things and is just vague lines on a canvas. It might be the coloring, all primary and aggressive in a relentless way, or it might be the positioning of the figures, in a claustrophobic way, with no space between them and no feeling of dimension. But it is not a comfortable painting in any way, and it is not meant to invoke a feeling of such.
This is another one of those problematic American sculptures that smacks of institutional racism but at the same time is breathtakingly beautiful for what it is and the sheer bloody talent that went into the piece. It isn’t ideal, nor is it idealized except in the artist’s eyes, and it should be said as such. In fact, the features are over-exaggerated in a way that even the ancients would likely have cringed at and thrown away; instead, it is an approximation of an approximation and rather more like an idealized caricature of a female form than any idealization of a modernization. It even has a bit of the post-impressionism expressionism or slightly pre-Art Deco about it without really managing to be any of those things.