This is pretty for the sake of being pretty. There’s not an ulterior motive for it, nor a practical usage for it. This is just something that you’d put out because you were cash rich and you wanted to flaunt it.
Tag: metalwork
*points with feeling* If this is what the ventilation system cover looked like, you guys, imagine the rest of it. Don’t tell me you don’t feel me on this.
Oh my god, y’all. Look at these balusters. LOOK AT THEM. Aren’t they about the most pea pickin’ elegant things you’ve ever blinking seen? That must have been a hell of a staircase. I can’t even.
One of my very first posts was of another one of the elevator grilles from the Chicago Stock Exchange (also in the SLAM collection), but they are differently sized and also, this one has this bit of decorative paneling at the bottom, too. I mean, dude. This isn’t your mom’s elevator grille. This is a hardcore, hard working elevator grille; it wasn’t just decorative, it was functional as all get out. And speaking as someone who was in a rickety scary old elevator of death in a perpetual construction site apartment building in New York City last weekend… that’s gotta mean something, right? Function over form, yo.
Weaponry is beautiful, mmmkay? Look how pretty it is; it’s sturdy and functional, but still displays a stunning amount of detail for something that could be something much more basic.
Now this, my friends, is what we call “stick ’em with the pointy end”.
This is not a stabbity-stab. This is a hackity-slash. A beautiful, heavy, very well-cared for hackity-slash.
This pitcher is one of a few objects that hangs out in a case at the bottom of the grand staircase at SLAM. I always have to fight the urge to rage and scream and throw a tantrum because TIFFANY PITCHER TUCKED AWAY IN THE MOST INAUSPICIOUS PLACE EVER OMFG WHAT ARE YOU PEOPLE EVEN THINKING. And then I stop and remind myself that I’m way more stressed out about it than everyone else in the building is and that I should stop and get a life. But look at this gorgeous silver work and tell me that it doesn’t deserve better placement than just tucked away at the bottom of the stairs.
Y’all, it’s a dagger. A curve-bladed dagger, typical Mughal style, very simple, very pretty, nice and stabby. We do love our stabbity objects over here.
When one of your best friends requests that you take pictures of sharp objects that you could stab people with, you take pictures of stabbity things. And this is very stabby. And green. Because bronze and patina.