
This is the ultimate abstraction – it transcends even Pollock and his somewhat lazy spatters and almost doodling. This is sketching in the void but leaving behind the shell of emptiness that might just crack under the weight of the void itself. It’s a totally different level of opening oneself to the nebulous expanse of the universe.


This is color and pattern theory at their finest, most distilled points. You can’t take the pattern away without losing the impact of the layers of the color, but you can’t take the layers of color away from the pattern without destroying the impact of the pattern as a whole. BOOM.


I like that this is a study of color over form. It’s vague and nebulous, kind of like a toxic cloud of grim vast grey-ness and gloom and doom, but with hints of other things that break up the dismal bleh.


This piece is profound because it is so simple. You, as a viewer, are a part of the artwork. You influence how it is seen and how it is reflected. It is as much about how you see it as it is about how the work actually is displayed.


There’s always been something about this painting that I’ve loved that I can’t quite put my finger on. It might be a combination of the knowing way the cow in the lower left corner is looking at you and going, “Yeah, dude, I know. Crazy shit’s going down.” And the bright cheerfulness of the absurd combination of colors. It’s playful in a way when we don’t realize we need playfulness.


I LOVE HOW RANDOM THIS IS. “Here’s some stuff; it’s a collage of random abstraction about winter and sand and the sea.” It’s so random and amazing and just… there’s no rhyme or reason for it at all. Boom. Abstraction.


Oh, lord, this piece… this piece hurts my soul on a number of levels. It speaks to me of futility and hope and pain and suffering and grief and so many, many things, and it is most poignant that I’m posting this on Holocaust Remembrance Day, because it symbolizes to me the most painful darkness of war, genocide, and rising above it only to do it all again and again.


It kind of looks like a clown vomited all over a horror show carnival. I’m not sure I’m down with it. It’s like a cotton candy nightmare. How does that embody feasibility?