
While this platter doesn’t look like much and seems rather plain, it is actually a testament to patience and perseverance on a number of levels. The craftsmanship is flawless, especially when you get close enough to the glass to be able to see that the glue lines are basically invisible (meaning they were sanded away to flush with the wood itself), and the entire effect appears as wood grain or even as age rings, rather than a disjointed affectation. The overall effect is that you are looking at something natural rather than something manufactured.


You guys. You guys. These lines, these colors: I will go to my grave believing that these two pieces were designed to work together, despite them clearly being separate entities made at separate times in different places. Just look at the way the colors and lines and planes interact with one another: there is no way that it is mere coincidence that they came to be in the same collection together. This is cosmic karma in action.


28 December

I’m not the biggest fan of Picasso, but in his early years, specifically the blue period, before he went off into the Cubist kind of “whoa okay” movement, I don’t mind him. This particular work is very moving, and up close, the use of complimentary oranges is very striking – it gives a layered nuance to the heavy usage of blues.


(We had some issues beginning December 16, and lost all content tables between the 16 and the 23, so I’m beginning to repost beginning the 23rd of December.)

This painting reminds me of science fiction novel covers from the 1970s and early 1980s, or at least the backgrounds thereof. There is something both abstract and comforting about it in a context like that, even though it is slightly disconcerting in other ways.


Even though the subject is clearly a prepubescent girl, the perspective is all off. Her legs aren’t shaped correctly, her arms are disproportionate, her head is too large for her shoulders in context, etc. Clearly, this is all meant to add to the theme of surrealism and be a stopping off point for making everything just a little tiny bit wonky. It’s working.


Where Mondrian was only about sharp geometric lines and intersections on a linear grid of basic concept abstraction, those who were able to tread his footsteps and branch away such as Helion with the movement into curved forms and other similar but still basic abstraction soon laid the groundwork for explosion into a world of abstraction of pure color as a form of its own.


Sometimes, a bull fight is a psychological manifestation of sexual tension and energy unfulfilled and blah blah blah, and sometimes it’s just a bull fight and randomly violent and not anything else. And sometimes, it’s a bloody painting.


This actually screams post-modern art deco when you look at it properly. The lines are all the fluid, geometric forms of art deco, but taken to a streamlined form ala Bauhaus.


I love this because it’s a poem wrapped in a bow, tied up in the knots in a forgotten language that only the soul understands. It is a siren song to those who hear it and chaos to those who do not.


Maybe it’s my overactive imagination, but I feel like I see lovers embracing in this work – the lines are there, the emotion is there, the sense of movement is there. But, then again, I am the weird kid.