
The Persian fritware is so good at utilizing metallic glazes. I love this piece because it is so complex as to be abstract, and yet, is completely simple at the same time. It is a delightful example of its typical type.


Finding singles of these plates is common, finding pairs is rare, finding a full set or sequential pieces of the set is basically the holy grail. To have a matching pair in sequence from the same set is pretty much like having a low winning lottery ticket. It’s exciting in a heart-pounding kind of way that brings a shit-eating grin to your face, but it’s not as blissful as having a complete set would be. However… man, it proves that I’m a nerd that I know the entire verse that goes on the plates.

What is a merry man/ Let him do what he can / To entertain his guests / With wine and merry jests / But if his wife do frown / All merriment goes down.


There is a simplicity and a complexity in trying to replicate nature in art. It seems both easy and trite, yet isn’t easy to achieve in the slightest. The execution sometimes becomes abstract, such as in this case.


Hey, look! It’s another vase! You know why? Because it’s Thanksgiving and people have vases for centerpieces and stuff. Okay, that’s a stretch because cornucopias are the traditional centerpieces, but whatever. I give up and digress, but look at the color feathering on that sucker – isn’t it gorgeous? It looks like a rising red dust storm.


This looks so simple, but in reality, it’s very difficult: keeping the glaze out of certain areas is incredibly hard, even with tools and effort. It’s a very deco design before art deco was a thing, and it borrows a bit from the Aztec legacy.


(I wish I could’ve gotten a better photo of this jar because it’s absolutely stunning. However, it’s displayed in such a way that it just isn’t possible without glare at almost every angle – except this one.)

So, Japanese blue porcelain – true examples of it aren’t very common because they tended to break up the blue with other colors or metallic glazes, so when you find a good example, it’s usually not this large or detailed. It’s usually smaller and plate, saucer, or cup.